How To Win The Race In Sneaky Sasquatch (2025)

1. Racetrack Pro - Sneaky Sasquatch Wiki - Fandom

  • The race is 2 laps. Racetrack Pro is driving a Sports Car. He can easily be beaten by a Super Car, or a Sports Car upgraded in the Garage.

  • The Racetrack Pro, also known as Track Dude, can be found at the entrance to the Race Track standing near his car. He can be challenged to a race and if the player wins he will be rewarded with a piece of the Treasure Map. He is also one of Sasquatch’s possible friends. The race is 2 laps. Racetrack Pro is driving a Sports Car. He can easily be beaten by a Super Car, or a Sports Car upgraded in the Garage. Golf Pro Ski Pro

2. Racing | Sneaky Sasquatch Wiki - Fandom

  • To enter most of the races, you need various Driver Licenses from the Driving Instructor. For each race event, the first win awards more coins then subsequent ...

  • The Track Racing takes place at the Race Track. Talk to the Racing Coordinator to start. To enter most of the races, you need various Driver Licenses from the Driving Instructor. For each race event, the first win awards more coins then subsequent wins in the same race. When every race is won, you can receive the Racing Outfit from the driver with the red sports car at entrance. No vehicle or license required. You will use your own Go Kart if you bought it from the Arcade. Otherwise, a standard

3. Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide - sapling :)

4. How to win the car race? - Sneaky Sasquatch Answers for iPhone

  • To successfully win all of the races, you would need to buy the most expensive car and upgrade it to the max.

  • Do I need to buy the most expensive car in order to win the race? I bought a truck and upgrade it to max and can never.., Sneaky Sasquatch Answers for the iPhone - iPad

5. How to Beat All Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch - Twinfinite

  • 9 apr 2024 · There are 12 Rabbit Races to win but you must complete each one in order. We have hints and tips below to help you beat all Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch.

  • Run rabbit run!

6. How to Win the Car Race in Sneaky Sasquatch - Touch, Tap, Play

  • 3 jan 2022 · In order to win the Car Race in Sneaky Sasquatch, you need to buy a good car. You can find a shop with cars near the Race Track. There you will ...

  • So, this guide will tell you how to win the Car Race in Sneaky Sasquatch.

7. Sneaky Sasquatch - Tips and tricks that help you on Rabbit Race #5 ...

  • 20 okt 2023 · Dinsun Video. For people who have issues to win the Rabbit Race #5, here are the tips and tricks. Hope you enjoy the video.

  • Dinsun Video. For people who have issues to win the Rabbit Race #5, here are the tips and tricks. Hope you enjoy the video. Join this channel to get access to perks: Sneaky Sasquatch Discord Server: Sneaky Sasquatch Reddit Group: Sneaky Sasquatch Game Page: #sneakysasquatch #applearcade #dinsun

8. How to make friends in Sneaky Sasquatch - Pocket Gamer

  • 16 okt 2023 · ... Racing, Skiing, and more). Once you make them your friends in Sneaky Sasquatch, they will vote for you, helping you win the election. List of ...

  • Befriending people in Sneaky Sasquatch isn't tricky at all. These are all of the steps that you need to take in order to make friends.

How To Win The Race In Sneaky Sasquatch (2025)


How To Win The Race In Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

The race is 2 laps. Racetrack Pro is driving a Sports Car. He can easily be beaten by a Super Car, or a Sports Car upgraded in the Garage.

What car do you need to beat the racer in Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

Tips: use a fully upgraded Sports Car, or a Super Car with old tires.

How to race in Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

To participate in Racing, you need a vehicle and a corresponding Driver License from the Driving Instructor. Talk to the Racing Coordinator in the Racing Center and choose a race event.

How many times do you have to race the Rabbit in sneaky sasquatch? ›

The Rabbit will give you Running Shoes when 6 races are completed. Try to start the 7th race to receive them. The Sprinting Shoes are awarded when all 12 races are completed.

How to win the Running Shoes in Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

The Running Shoes are an item awarded after completing 6 Running Races.

How do you beat the guy at the Race Track Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

Racetrack Pro is driving a Sports Car. He can easily be beaten by a Super Car, or a Sports Car upgraded in the Garage.

What is the best vehicle in sneaky Sasquatch? ›

The Super Car is a land vehicle. It is the fastest car in the game, but slower than the Sport Bike. It can be bought at the Car Dealership at the Race Track for 2500 coins. The mechanics at Garage can upgrade it twice: first for 1000 coins, then for 2000 coins.

Is there a way to run faster in sneaky sasquatch? ›

Sprinting Shoes are the upgrade to the Running Shoes. They can be acquired after completing all 12 Running Races. To achieve the maximum speed, you should run without sharp turns. They allow Sasquatch to run at approximately 34 km/h, just slightly slower than the bicycle with the racing tires (38 km/h).

How many hours is sneaky Sasquatch? ›

Main Story25h 15m
Main + Extras46h 13m
Completionist260h 45m
All PlayStyles811h 50m

What happens if you don't feed Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

If Sasquatch stays with a completely empty stomach for several minutes, he falls unconscious and is dragged back to the house by the raccoon as well. The raccoon feeds Sasquatch 2 hunger points, so Sasquatch pays 20 coins or all coins if Sasquatch has less than 20 coins.

How does Sneaky Sasquatch end? ›

Regardless what you did with your ballot, it turns out you win by just one vote. Then, Sasquatch returns home and finds all the animals missing. A ranger will be there investigating the disappearance, talk to them. Then, go to the Construction Duck workshop, and talk to the Credits Duck who hides in the bushes there.

What is a 4 times 4 in sneaky Sasquatch? ›

The 4x4 is a land vehicle which can be purchased from the 4x4 Enthusiast located on the southeast corner of the Island. The price is 25000 coins, but it can be lowered to 5000 coins if you can defeat the owner in a canoe race.

What is the goal in Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

As a charming Big Foot living in the woods, your goal in this exploration game is to stay well fed—and get into a little mischief. You'll start simple, tiptoeing past suspicious park rangers to secretly feast on campers' hot dogs, pilfer fruit from coolers, and rummage through garbage cans for discarded burgers.

How do you beat Sasquatch game? ›

Sneak behind the brute and use a long-range weapon like a sniper rifle to shoot the purple crystal on her back, then perform a takedown. After destroying the crystal, Sasquatch will not be able to regenerate her health.

How do you get the racing suit Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

The Racing Outfit can be received from the Driver (across the road from the Racetrack Pro) after winning every race at the Race Track. This outfit will fool regular humans, but not Park Rangers.

How do you catch speeders in sneaky Sasquatch? ›

You may use the radar from your hands, but it is easier to put it on the ground aimed across the highway and wait nearby in a police car to follow any speeding vehicles. You need to be nearby (approximately on the same screen) for the radar to mark speeding vehicles.

What is the fastest motorcycle in Sneaky Sasquatch? ›

The Sport Bike is the fastest and most expensive vehicle. It is the second most expensive single purchase in the game (after giving Friends inappropriate names for 1 million coins). It can be bought in a separate room in the Car Dealership at the Race Track for 50000 coins.


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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.