Bannerlord My Little Warband (2025)

1. My Little Warband - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Nexus Mods

  • Posts 3962 · My Little Warband The Templars · My Little Warband The Vikings · Logs

  • A day 1 fully customizable player unique troop tree

2. My Little Warband - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Nexus Mods

  • 19 dec 2023 · It works with the current version, simply replace the files found in the "bin" folder inside My Little Warband. Here's the post by SchildEnd:

  • A day 1 fully customizable player unique troop tree

3. My Little Warband | Your Own Custom Troop Tree 1.1.0 - Skymods

4. My Little Warband - Create your own custom troops - Nexus Mods

  • Duur: 22:09Geplaatst: 2 sep 2021

  • This video shows off the process of creating your own troops using this wonderful mod as you would when you start up a game and play it....

5. My Little Warband 部隊・ユニット - Mount & Blade II

  • 19 dec 2023 · My Little Warbandの解説・説明 装備、スキル、アップグレード先のユニットなどもカスタマイズできる、自由度の高いカスタム兵士を提供するMOD。

  • My Little Warbandの解説・説明 装備、スキル、アップグレード先のユニットなどもカスタマイズできる、自由度の高いカスタム兵士を提供するMOD。 ・ユニット雇用 -町や村に行くとき、すべての部隊がカスタムの募集ユニットに置き換えられます。エリート系の軍隊もカスタムのエリート部隊に置き換えられます。町のメニューに切り替え項目が追加されているので、それを選ぶことで元の文化に属するユニットを雇用することもできます。 -これはAIには影響しません。AIの領主は、その集落から標準の文化固有のユニットのみを採用できます。 -いわばマイナー派閥の部隊ツリーのような、カスタマイズ可能なプレイヤー独自の部隊があることと同じです。 ・部隊ツリー カスタム一般兵とエリート系の新兵は、どちらも1種類の部隊ツリーからスタートします。 しかしユニットエディターUIで、各ユニットに2つのアップグレード先を追加することができます。一般兵ラインでは最大5段階、エリートラインでは最大6段階のアップグレード先を追加できます。 すべてのアップグレードパスを追加した場合、一般兵ラインとエリートライン

6. Mods - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - ModDB

  • 25 okt 2023 · This project is the continuation of our work in Warband crusade MOD "In the Name of Jerusalem". We will continue to extend and improve the ...

  • Browse and play mods created for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord at ModDB.

7. Realm of Thrones - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord mod - ModDB

  • This is the latest full version of the mod that includes ROT 4.1, ROT 4.1.1 patch and a few other map related bugs, all together for the public's convenience...

  • Early Access total conversion mod of the Game of Thrones universe that spans from north of the Wall to the Great Grass Sea.

8. My quest to marry a Game of Thrones celebrity in this Mount & Blade

  • 19 aug 2022 · I put the medieval warfare and quests of Bannerlord on hold and turn the game into my own version of Pokémon. ... my growing little band comes out ...

  • The Realm of Thrones mod transforms Mount & Blade: Bannerlord into a Song of Ice and Fire.

Bannerlord My Little Warband (2025)


Is Bannerlord better then Warband? ›

Bannerlord instead deals with leveling a different way – the more a player performs a certain skill, the more that skill will increase. It's similar to the proficiency mechanic in Warband but applied to every skill in the game. This makes leveling a much more natural, smooth, and immersive process.

How to get a bigger army in Mount and Blade 2? ›

Increasing party size

To increase this you need to level up the Steward skill by keeping your party well fed, happy, and paid. This takes time to increase, but by ensuring you look after your troops, you'll soon be able to field a larger army.

How to control army in Mount and Blade Bannerlord 2? ›

In order to command your army, first press the numerical key associated with the squad. This will then allow you to give them orders with the function keys. Pressing the function keys for movement, changing the direction they're facing, and the troop's formation, will bring up a second menu of options.

What is the weakest kingdom in Mount and Blade Bannerlord? ›

Weakest is probably sturgia followed by battania. I agree but it's because of terrain, not anything special about their army composition. The Vlandians and Khuzait tend to dominate just because they're on the edge of the map and have land that's easy to traverse.

What is the max troop size in Mount and Blade 2? ›

- Max troops limit is 10000 for clan parties and main party.

Can you max all skills in Mount and Blade 2? ›

The current soft cap for skills is 330 with 10 attribute points and 5 focus points. It is possible to reach a higher number by gaining a single instance of high XP (eg. trading for a very large profit), by cheating or using mods that increase the minimum skill gain. The hard cap is 1023.

What is the F6 command in Bannerlord? ›

The F6 function give command of all your troops to the AI. Your army composition affect how the AI gonna command your troops. they alway gonna make 2 groups of cavalry for cover each flank and charge horse archer who come close or when hostilities between infantry/archer begin.

How many companions can you recruit in Bannerlord? ›

The only way to raise your limit is by upgrading your clan tier. Each upgrade comes with an extra companion slot, eventually reaching a maximum of eight companions.

How do you fight better in Mount and Blade Bannerlord? ›

High ground is essential as well as taking firing arcs into account, as your shots will drop considerably on their way to the target. However, if you score a long distance shot you'll get bonus experience, so it's worth risking that shot if you have plenty of ammo.

What to do with prisoners mount and blade Bannerlord? ›

If you don't fancy recruiting any of them as troops, then the simplest way to deal with your prisoners is to ransom them. Head to the biggest town nearby and you'll find a tavern where you can ransom some or all of the prisoners you have, in exchange for gold.

How to target enemy formation in Bannerlord? ›

Using Charge or Engage orders, you can now choose between general attacks and prioritizing a specific enemy formation as a target. This is done by simply looking at enemy formations and issuing the order when their icon is highlighted. The Charge order has your units individually rush towards the fight.

Is Bannerlord the same world as Warband? ›

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is set on the fictional continent of Calradia, 173 years before Mount & Blade: Warband, during the decline of the Calradic Empire and the formation of the predecessors of the factions that appear in Warband.

How much better is Bannerlord? ›

From the get go, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord arguably does a far better job of introducing new players to its formidably broad scope than its predecessor, Warband, ever did.

Is Bannerlord combat good? ›

The combat systems in this game are incredibly rewarding and deep, as you'd expect for a medieval simulation of this complexity. That means that you may need a few pointers before you head into the fray, to make sure you keep head on shoulders as you fight for your faction.


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.